What We Do
Case study
Imaginary car maker “Black Bison” makes rugged, powerful SUVs. Want to drive on the wild side? These cars are capable of going places other makers don’t dare to take you. All “Black Bison” cars have the emblem of a charging bison. “Black Bison” would pay Æ a fee to document the work of the European Bison Conservation Centre. Our services would include the creation of a bespoke multimedia package to help EBCC raise awareness of their work. This material would be used on their website and social media platforms. “Black Bison” would be able to include this material within their Corporate Social Responsibility programme.
What we offer
- Three minute edited YouTube video showcasing work done by wildlife protection agency.
- Fifty retouched photographs showcasing work done by animal protection agency.

Æ helps your company give back to nature.
Multimedia Storytelling
We work with a team of the worlds finest multimedia storytellers. In this Digital Age, it is essential that quality, world class material be generated to stand out against a sea of mediocrity.
Operation Logistics
Æ is a full service production company, staffed with travel experts. No place is too far, too difficult to reach in order to achieve the mission objectives. The British Foreign Office acts as our advisory body for overseas travel.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a type of international private business self-regulation that aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature or by engaging in ethically-oriented practices. Æ would love to hear from CSR directors to help them attain their CSR goals.
Social Media
Social media is any digital tool that allows users to quickly create and share content with the public. It encompasses a wide range of websites and applications. Æ is an expert at social media creation and deployment.